Critical Thinking Resources
Thanks for having me along, and I hope you got something useful out of me banging on. Here’s some links to things you might enjoy:
Download a free creative commons fallacies poster and/or use the website to fully learn yourself or others about fallacies
This book and podcast explore common cognitive biases in a highly engaging format.
These beautifully executed short videos explore all sorts of interesting subjects from ‘optimistic nihilism’ through to the fermi paradox
A curated distillation of mental models, and other brain food in blog / podcast format.
Just like the fallacies site, only cognitive biases! You can also download a free printable biases poster here.
This YouTube series on philosophy is fun, super interesting, and contains a lot of reflective perspectives on thinking.
From procrastination monkeys to artificial super intelligence, this blog is simultaneously in-depth, engaging and mind-blowing
A soon-to-be-released book by School of Thought advisor and CEO of DuckDuckGo Gabriel Weinberg on mental models. Preorder available.
This is the official school of thought website with videos, links and things like that.
Written by Nobel Laureate Daniel Kahneman who pioneered research into biases and priming, this book is a best seller for good reason
With over 300 truly curious questions, it's the end of awkward silences and the beginning of awesome conversations.